Don’t miss your chance to master your emfluence Marketing Platform toolset.

Our certification classes are designed to help you maximize the emfluence Marketing Platform and its features. Whether you’re just getting started or have been using the emfluence Marketing Platform for several years, our certification classes will arm you with out-of-the-box campaigns, sample use cases, and best practices for strategizing your digital marketing campaigns.

Choose between Basic Certification (for getting started) or Advanced Certification.

"The course has definitely given me the confidence to start trying some new stuff and taking advantage of features that I wasn’t previously using."

"It was great to see not just the details of how to do certain tasks, but to create actual integrated campaigns using the emfluence tools. I know a few things I'll be doing differently right away when I get back to my own email campaigns!"

"I started realizing all the ideas I had once I got back to work and started going over my notes and talking over ideas. Thanks a lot for all the great information. It was well worth it!"

"Extremely informative! I learned so many things that I didn't know prior to the class. The hands on activities really helped to solidify my understanding of the functionality."

"The instructors were awesome! It was great to see some of the features we haven't been using, but definitely will start from now on."